1. Pre-school program

We believe in using play as a medium of learning as it is one of the most important ways children inquire about the world around them. And storytelling as a medium for inculcating curiosity for learning, ethics and values, and higher-order skills. Our curriculum is purposefully planned and structured and activities and resources are carefully chosen and designed keeping in mind children’s individuality. Their development is observed and monitored to make an assessment and while we have monthly and yearly goals defined, we don’t pressurize children and instead let them grow at their own pace. This makes THE TINY LEARNERS a unique and fun learning experience for both kids and parents alike.

To know more and register, contact us @+923427688770

2. Guided Homeschooling Program

Homeschooling has been gaining momentum worldwide as a holistic and meaningful learning approach especially amid covid-19, but it brings challenges and difficulty for parents who are not equipped with strategies and resources to homeschool. We recently launched our guided homeschooling program, in which we send out monthly packets to parents tailored to specific needs of children and weekly plans with flexibility and freedom to define their own schedules along with strategies to teach and assess the kids. Once every alternate week, we discuss in detail the progress made, difficulties that came along, and the guidance that the parents require.

To know more and register, contact us @+923427688770

3. Workshops and events for kids and parents

Besides our regular programs, we organize workshops and events for kids, and courses for parents and educators all year round.

Follow us for more updates around our workshops and events.